Monday, August 20, 2012

Top 10 Study Skills for College Students

1. Set goals.
It’s difficult to arrive at a final destination when you’re unsure of what it is and how to get there. Develop a roadmap for reaching your educational goals.

2. Use an appointment book.
It’s easy to forget assignment due dates, test days, and other important information when it’s not written down, especially when you’re focused on your studies.

3. Know your learning style.
Develop strategies for overcoming learning differences when instructors employ contradictory teaching methods.

4. Be an active reader.
You’ll better retain information from the textbook if you practice active reading.

5. Participate in study groups.
Organize study groups with other classmates. It’s easier to remember concepts taught to others, and group members often share insights you never consider.

6. Take notes.
Take organized notes. If it’s useful, develop outlines, highlight key information, or utilize other methods to organize lecture notes.

7. Organize your study materials.
Organize notes, assigned readings, and other study materials, so it can be easily retrieved while studying.

8. Draft papers.
Always write a rough draft when preparing an essay. Take time to review it for incompleteness and errors and ask the instructor or a classmate to read it and offer advice.

9. Slow down on tests.
It’s common to misunderstand questions or skip key information when nervous. Take time to thoroughly read test questions.

10. Don’t replace protein with caffeine.
Before a test, avoid consuming caffeine. Instead, eat foods high in complex carbohydrates and Online College Guide

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