Sunday, January 1, 2012

The BIG APPLE of Study Habits

The BIG APPLE of Study Habits

B    Brain food
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Snack on fruits and vegetables.  Yogurt, cheese, and milk also make bones stronger.  Skip the sugary drinks and reach for a bottle of water instead! Remember to get a good night’s sleep every night to rest your brain and your body.

I     I am in charge of myself.
·         I am ready to begin my day!
·         I will work smart, and to do my best, all day.
·         I will be patient with myself.
·         I cooperate with my teacher, and with my classmates.
·         I know what I need to know for this exam.
·         I encourage my classmates to be their best.
·         I am a positive thinker, and I am confident about my gifts.
·         I have gifts and talents that make me special.
·         I ask for help when I need it.
·         I am a good listener!

G   Goals
What do you want? Do you have a career in mind? If so, everything flows towards achieving that. The fewer goals you have, the more you’re able to focus on them. Try having two goals.  Write your goals down or draw a picture. This helps you focus instead of think and dream. The more you see your goal, the more likely you are to reach it. Put it in your pocket and keep it there to remind yourself of what you want.

A  Ask Questions
Don’t be afraid to ask questions!  This is your class time. Not knowing or understanding is a good enough reason to ask a question.  If you will get better because of the answer, then at least 5 other class mates will also be better from it, whether or not they know it at that time

P   Prepare yourself
Form a routine to follow every day. This means making a place and time for homework, shower, brushing teeth, going to bed at a decent time, getting up on time, catching the bus, anything you need to do to help you get ready for school.
Make sure you have all your school supplies ready for the day.
Do you have your  pencils sharpened?
Do you have enough paper?
Do you have all your books?
Is your homework ready to turn in at class time?

P  Practice
Make studying for a test as fun as possible. Study for tests with classmates and come up with new test questions to share. Ask the teacher if you have any questions about the test.  Save lesson copies and notes that have helped you to understand certain questions. Write jingles or rhymes to remember lists.   Games such as charades and bingo will help you remember information.

L  Listen
What is the difference between “listening” and “hearing”?   Listening is paying attention to what you are hearing.  Hearing is just being aware of the sounds.  Look directly at the person who is speaking.   Do not speak when another person is speaking.  Remember to take turns.

E Exciting! 
Remember that learning is fun and exciting!! Every day you can learn something new. On the days you go to school, you can probably learn five or ten new things. Your time in school is the perfect time to learn about many different things and discover what kind of work you would like to do. Be open-minded; you may not like math now, but in a few years, you may decide that you want to be an engineer.

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